Previous Issues:
May 2024- Update on Quantum Control
November 2022- Enhanced Foundational Magnetic Susceptibility
February 2022- Condensed Matter Physics- Summarizing our line of Apparatus
January 2021 - Soon to be joining the TeachSpin team: Dr. David Lee, Ph.D.
Adiabatic Demagnetization added to CMP experiments
February 2020 - That’s all very well in practice, but does it work in theory?
August 2019 - A student-faculty Collaboration on the Isotope Shift
April 2019 - Examining Superconductivity - Three Ways
February 2019 - Do these look at all like thermometers?
October 2018 - 'Kaizen' on Faraday Rotation
July 2017 - Condensed Matter Physics - Magnetic Susceptibility vs. Temperature
May 2017 - Condensed Matter Physics - Introducing our new apparatus
February 2017 - Examining Feedback - Using the Torsional Oscillator
April 2016 - How Low Can You Go? - Modern Interferometry and the fundamentals of the LIGO experiment to detect
gravitational waves
February 2016 - New Experiments with Diode Laser Spectroscopy - Non-linear Faraday Rotation in rubidium gas
July 2015 - Diagnosing Noise - Noise Fundamentals
May 2015 - TeachSpin's Torsional Oscillator as a 'Watt Balance' - Torsional Oscillator and the Electronic Kilogram
February 2015 - Foundational Magnetic Susceptibility - Making its debut at the March 2015 APS meeting in San Antonio
December 2014 - A Journey of Discovery in Quantum Physics - Table-top Exploration of 2- and 3-Photon Transitions with TeachSpin's Optical Pumping
October 2014 - Modern Interferometry - Interferometry, Interferometery, and more Interferometry
February 2014 - Fourier Methods - More Tools!
January 2014 - UltaSonic Physics; National Awards Focused on the Advanced Laboratory
July 2013 - Pulsed NMR Imaging - An Introduction
May 2013 - What's a SPAD?
February 2013 - Nominate Yourself and/or Your Colleague for the NEW APS Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction
May 2012 - A Proposal for ALPhA - Transform Research into Advanced Labs
February 2012 - TeachSpin's Hat-Trick - Introducing Fourier Methods, UltraSonics, Pulse Counter/Interval Timer
December 2011 - Coherent Population Trapping - 'Quantum Fun' with your Diode Laser Apparatus
May 2011 - Optical Pumping- Beyond the Manual - but Latent in the Apparatus
December 2010 - Magnetic Torque - A "Classic" Made Even Better , ALPhA Immersions, Two-Slit Interference, One Photon at a Time on You Tube
May 2010 - Noise Fundamentals - Where Noise IS the Signal
December 2009 - Putting the'R' Into the Earth's Field NMR
August 2009 - Muon Physics - More About Muons
June 2009 - Quantum Analogs - Let Your Students Play, Too!
February 2009 - The Torsional Oscillator, Damped and Driven - "Bringing the simple harmonic oscillator to life"
November 2008 - The Torsional Oscillator Again, Magnetic Torque in Action, Taking real harmonic oscillators out of the hands of theorists to put them into the hands of your students.
September 2008 - More Experiments for our new Pulsed/cw NMR Spectrometer, Finding signals from inequivalent protons
July 2008 - Torsional Oscillator, an instrument appropriate from the freshman to advanced lab. The first in a series, this issue features experiments for the introductory levels
June 2008 - Pulsed NMR on STEROIDS, TeachSpin's new Pulsed/CW NMR.
February 2008 - Quantum Analogs, ALPhA Election Results
November 2007 - New Experiments with TeachSpin's Optical Pumping, "Making Your Spins Follow the Field"; a challenge for your most advanced students.
September 2007 - Using the Handy Hall Effect Probe; Greensboro AAPT Reception for ALPhA.
May 2007 - Introducing Advanced Laboratory Physics Association (ALPhA); Report on Reception at March meeting of APS; Comments from Harvey Leff, Krishna Chowdary and Jonathan Reichert
March 2007 - Introducing The Teeter-Totter - A Magnetic Force Balance to find the magnetic moment (µ) of the Magnetic Torque Sphere; Exploring the new Advanced Lab Listserv; Magnetic Force Scale Error; Invitation to the March 7 Reception for Advanced Laboratory Instructors at APS Denver
January 2007 - TeachSpin Designed Component Parts Available for Instructional or Research Projects, Laboratory "Security" Labels
Fall 2006 - Contributions from our Users for Improving Precession Measurements with Magnetic Torque, Modern Interferometry instruments on the way, Acknowleding Modern Interferometry Collaborators, Bully Pulpit: Our Non-hands-on Incoming Students
Summer 2006 - Adding a Fabry-Perot to Diode Laser Spectroscopy, Price Changes on the Way, Bully Pulpit: Finding Funding for Advanced Lab Equipment
Spring 2006 - Detailed Description of Modern Interferometry, New Pump for Magnetic Torque
Fall 2005 - Using the Signal Processor/Lock-In Amplifier, Cricket Makes Photon Arrivals Audible, Bully Pulpit: Re-Energizing the Advanced Lab/Let's Get together and Create a Consortium
Spring 2005 - Adding Gradient and Field Coils to Earth's Field NMR, Muon Physics as a Hallway Display, Bully Pulpit: Multiple Experiments with the Same Apparatus Promotes Student "Ownership"